Developing the revaluation code 've found some variations in the openpetra database compared to the petra data base. The main question is to check that we have to do something in order to keep the compatibility line.
If we have a revaluation on petra the field a_journal.a_transaction_type_code_c holds the value "REVAL" and the field a_transaction.a_reference_c the value "FX REVAL". In the open petra code to handle the database access in both field the same value is required and so actually I've decided to use "REVAL" in both cases.
The definition of a_transaction.a_transaction_amount_n and a_transaction.amount_in_base_currency differs slightly.
In order to run a correct transaction you have to insert the same values in both fiels if you are defining a base currency transaction and you have to insert different values in case of a foreign currency transaction.
But in openpetra the a_transaction.a_transaction_amount_n value should be set to zero in order to get the correct results of a batch posting (actually in a_general_ledger_master not a_general_ledger_master_period).
The question ist: Take it or change it?