has anybody of you already been investigating / implementing anything about realizing automatic updates?
My idea is that each time a openpetra-client is launched it checks if an update is available and if it's the case then also starts the installer (or updates the files without using the installer) . Of course the user should be asked before if he wants to install the update.
So one possibility would be checking on sourceforge.net/projects/openpetraorg/files/ in the html-code the version number of the current version
"Looking for the latest version? Download Alpha 0.2.10-1 (4.2 MB) "
A nice feature would be to know how many automatic updates actually have been realized. But on sourceforge we can't distinguish if a download is realized by a human (which then would be a new installation ) or by an already installed client (which then would be an update).
This could be solved by having a file on the homepage which contains the current version and a link to the download file. Via a wordpress-plugin it could be counted how often the file is accessed. (but on the other hand this neither wouldn't indicate directly how often the new version has been downloaded as an update because this file would be accessed each time a client is launched).
A third possibility would be having a second file on wordpress (with a useless content) which would be downloaded each time when a client gets an update-file from sourceforge. The access to this second file then could be counted by a wordpress-plugin.
Obviously the above suggested solution would only work for Windows because by the moment we only have a windows installer.
Furthermore it would only work for a standalone installation. Or may be the solution could be implemented for both - client and server.
As far as I know Timo is working on installing the client only in the userspace and not any more in the programspace (C:\Program Files). Would we then still need administration priviliges to be able to make an installation/update?
What do you think?