Hello Joachim,
it is good to think about the future of OpenPetra.
For OM, we will deliver the first usable version of OpenPetra with a fat client.
There is too much work to be done for the browser based client, which will not fit any time frame for delivering OpenPetra for OM.
In general, I think we need to provide a usable browser based client at some point in time. This will allow people to use OpenPetra from any machine.
This would be nice for all sorts of Operating systems, you are right.
Regarding the available javascript toolkits, there are long discussions on StackOverflow:
They have to download the javascript code to the browser in the beginning, that is correct.
I started to work with jQuery just this weekend. So far, I quite like it.
I have invested quite a lot for the ext.js browser based interface for TeenStreet. Even wrote my own generator of the javascript, also based on the yaml files. This is used for the online application for the TeenStreet participants.
I will not be able to replace this quickly with jQuery.
The other thing is ext.net/. This uses ext.js for the client, and provides a .net framework for the server side. That is quite tricky, and involves very new features of C#, which requires a custom built Mono version of mono trunk, because Mono 2.10.8 is too old. Some bugs in Mono have only be fixed on Mono trunk.
I try to get away from ext.net, since it is too complex for me.
I have used it for the backend of the TeenStreet registration, which is used by the Home offices who are approving the applications and organising the conference in a web browser based client of OpenPetra. I have posted the link to a demo of that in my previous post.
I heard that zarafa.com/ is also using ext.js. But I have not met any developers working with ext.js. But people are talking about jQuery.
I want to find a solution, that is easy to handle for me, and that I can train other people on. With ext.js and ext.net, I was not confident enough to train anyone else.
So I am the only one, who is supporting that for OpenPetra, and that is not a good situation.
I cannot say, where the long-term future for OpenPetra is. I am just trying what gets into my hands. If someone wants also to investigate other solutions, go for it!
We can reuse most of the server code, and even the ideas for the client. Perhaps we can even just change the generator, and keep using the same yaml files.
Hope that makes sense,