Thanks Joachim, the time in the village where I grew up was not much relaxing but good.
Regarding the old code for the menu driven navigation screens: I have filed an issue now ... php?id=720, and will wait for other members of the team to comment on it.
Ah, I now realize, that TFrmPartnerMain.NewPartner is defined in the file ... ualCode.cs, as a static function, so we will need to keep that file still.
But the MainDS is only kept for each screen, so you won't be able to reuse that.
So the better solution is: For the last family key: you can use the p_recent_partners table to get the last partner of the current user. ... up=partner
You will need to check for the partner class, because it contains PERSON etc as well.
Search the code (full text search with Notepad++ or similar) for PRecentPartners, to see if there are already functions that can be useful to you.
So you are right, the best place to pass the last partner key is in file PartnerMain.ManualCode.cs, you should modify the method NewPerson to check for the recent FAMILY partner and pass that with frm.SetParameters.
All the best,