Hello Matthias,
I have now finished my work on the demodata generation, based on benerator, for the moment.
It is all now merged into trunk.
On your workstation, please run these commands:
cd bzr/trunk
bzr update
nant quickClean generateSolution
nant resetDatabase
nant generateDemodata
nant importDemodata
nant startPetraServer startPetraClient
You will have a database with donors, organisations, workers (with person records, children, and commitments), key ministries, fields, and gift batches.
You can also export that database in the System Manager module as a yml.gz file, and import it into the standalone OpenPetra.
In the current release, the loading is very slow, close to impossible.
But on trunk, I have greatly improved the speed of importing, to less than a minute for the average demo database at the moment.
Please download the most recent build from ci-win.solidcharity.com/job/OpenPetraBuildWin/ to try the import.
Let me know if you find a problem!