Hello all,
I noticed in Tim's branch, that probably by accident, the file Finance.Interfaces.cs was gone. (commit: bazaar.launchpad.net/tim-ingham ... ision/1700).
That made me think, if we could actually remove the interface files from the code repository, and have them generated each time, since nant generateGlue is quite fast.
The only thing missing was, that there are ManualCode sections in the interface files, for adding namespaces to the using clauses.
I have replaced this now with a simple yml file:
bazaar.launchpad.net/openpetrac ... spaces.yml
You should not notice anything different, other that when you add a new method to an interface, you might need to edit the file InterfacesUsingNamespaces.yml.
The next step would be to remove the Instantiator files as well from the code repository, and somehow get the ManualCode sections to be autogenerated...
Tim, if you merge from trunk, then your build job at ci.openpetra.org/job/OpenPetraBuildTim/ should work again.
All the best,