Hello all,
we have had questions in the bug tracker about OM specific partner types, eg. OMER.
Other things more sensitive might also need a customisation.
I guess we agreed that the cleanest way of resolving things like this is to provide the custom values as parameters in the server or in the config file.
For the public generic version of OpenPetra, the default value would be used.
For example:
ATypeList = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("DEFAULTWORKERTYPES", "WORKER;EX-WORKER;ASSOC", false);
In an OM specific config file, we would have this row:
The question is now:
Where do we recommend an organisation to store such a specific config file? Does that config file contain sensitive data? Can we store the file in the public?
If public was ok, we could recommend to create a public branch on Launchpad, and keep the modified config file there.
Otherwise, we could recommend to customers or their service providers, to use the commercial offer at Launchpad (launchpad.net/+tour/join-launchpad), or have their own bazaar server, or just maintain the config file locally.
We can probably have the discussion, how OM goes about their own specific config file (and specific base database), somewhere off the forum. But the general questions might be interesting to others as well.