More news about the OP development web server....
I finished off the logging of server activity and also of page requests. The page requests is useful because it does show very easily if we are sending duplicate messages to the server as a result of client events being duplicated. My web service branch is quite old (it goes back to before Christian merged trunk into Timo's branch) and we have done work during that time to try and get rid of these duplicate calls, but in my branch I see a lot of them!
Anyway, I had a good look through the changes in Christian's branch relating to the OP web server and the way it is called from nant and realised that you have included the command line option to set a maximum lifetime (by default 120 minutes) and recalled seeing comments in this forum about problems you were having with Windows Jenkins. As I said in an earlier post, you were working with code that was not reliable in checking to see if a server had already captured the OP port (9000) so you could end up with multiple server apps running. But that may not be anything to do with your problem. Anyway, from the point of view of a developer, it would be really annoying to have the server disappearing under your feet after 2 hours!
I decided that there was a requirement for a 'server manger' application (since the design of the application is to be able to run multiple web sites, say for different software versions). Since the whole thing is Windows and for Windows developers I have written this application over the extended Easter weekend.
Like the web server app itself, it has a interactive GUI and a command line GUI. For the Jenkins server you will be able just to execute 'Ict.Tools.OPServerManager.exe -op:shutdown -port:9000' and that will immediately shutdown the server that is on the standard port. Or a developer can run the application from OPDA and not have to go digging in the system tray. There are commands to shutdown all or a selected server, or to start or stop a server. The maximum lifetime option is still available but this way Jenkins can call this nant target at the start of a build job to clear the server.
Of course Windows Jenkins should be using IIS but that will need a bit of work to develop a setup for that - but we will need one for our installer. I have worked on an installer for IIS and could help with that too in the future.