Hello Urs,
thanks for digging into this.
I have now committed a template.xml, which I had forgotten to commit earlier.
The settings file is not necessary for the start, and it can be saved quite easy later when the report GUI opens, and you can select the default values in the GUI, and then save the settings. I have fixed and committed the default client config file, it was not pointing to the correct XmlReports/Settings directory yet.
Please update your client config files (csharp\ICT\Petra\Client\app\PetraClient\app.config and csharp\ICT\Petra\Client_bin\Debug\PetraClient.exe.config,
it should read: <add key="Reporting.PathReportSettings" value="../../../../../../XmlReports/Settings/>
Regarding csharp/ICT/Petra/Client/lib/MPartner/gui/PartnerMain.yaml:
This is the old navigation (Petra 2.x menu), which I have to admit I did not maintain anymore.
I usually add new menu items to csharp\ICT\Petra\Definitions\UINavigation.yml, which in your case is Customizing\gui\UINavigation.yml
I have removed the U:/ absolute path from the wiki, since I am not sure if people have their U drive mounted on openpetraorg or the parent directory of openpetraorg. Probably less confusing to not use an absolute path. My previous documentation is probably also not very clean on that issue.
I have tried to answer the other questions on the wiki page now.
Please let me know when you stumble over other issues, or update the wiki directly!