Today additional functionality for CheckBox Controls (which start with 'chk' in the YAML files) has been introcuded.
This made a breaking change necessary: unless the new Attribute 'CheckBoxAttachedLabel' is set for a CheckBox, a separate Label is now generated, whereas before, the CheckBox's Text was set. This makes quite a difference to the layout of the screen.
Please see the section 'chk: CheckBox' in page ... t_Controls for details.
The breaking change makes sure that a CheckBox from now on behaves as other Edit Controls in the respect that it has a Label in the preceding 'column' of the layout, which allows sensible layouts (especially multi-column layouts) that look OK (and are as easy achieved as if other Edit Controls would be used instead of CheckBoxes). If you want the previous 'look' of the CheckBox on one of your Forms, simply add the 'CheckBoxAttachedLabel: right' Attribute to CheckBoxes, or try the 'CheckBoxAttachedLabel: left' Attribute for a layout that was previously not possible.
The 'CheckBoxAttachedLabel: right' attribute has been added to all Forms of openPETRA where it was desirable to keep the layout of those Forms as it was, and the attribute was left out on the Forms that had a better layout after the change.