We are considering alternatives to uncrustify, because it is quite complicated to change the behaviour of uncrustify (see http://forum.openpetra.org/t/upgrading-to-latest-uncrustify-0-62-0-63/370) and there don't seem to be many people using uncrustify for C#.
I had a look at CodeMaid; it only works as an extension to Visual Studio, but it is open source (https://github.com/codecadwallader/codemaid).
The idea was to create a standalone version, to run it on the command line and from nant. It seems in a survey last year "there was not a lot of interest in moving CodeMaid to new environments (e.g. Visual Studio Code or command line)".
I have created a fork at https://github.com/TBits/codemaid/tree/cli
If you clone that, and run these commands:
cd CodeMaid
sudo cert-sync /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
nuget restore -PackagesDirectory ../packages
xbuild CodeMaid.csproj
But then you still get a lot of references to EnvDTE, and the class Document and other classes cannot be found.
Have a look at https://github.com/codecadwallader/codemaid/blob/master/CodeMaid/Logic/Cleaning/CodeCleanupManager.cs it seems it is a central file for code cleanup.
Another alternative is http://www.narrange.net/, but that project seems to be inactive since 2009.
Another project is https://github.com/dotnet/codeformatter
I was able to compile it on Linux, but was not able to run it, the parameters did not work.
cd src
sudo cert-sync /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
nuget restore
# in CodeFormatter.sln remove: XUnitConverter.Tests.csproj because it requires Microsoft.VisualStudio
xbuild CodeFormatter.sln
# result is in bin/CodeFormatter/Debug/, mono CodeFormatter.exe