I introduced a change in Revision 111 (http://bzr.openpetra.org:8088/loggerhead/trunk/revision/1111) which causes CheckBoxes in all DataGrids to be read-only and to appear disabled. This is what we want in the majority of situations and therefore this is now the new default.
For situations where where a CheckBoxes need to be changeable in a DataGrid because they represent 0..n choices that the user can make we usually use the clbXXX Control in the YAML files. For these cases, the corresponding .ManualCode.cs-File has a Method in which the Columns are added to the DataGrid. In that Method the Method call which is used for adding a CheckBox, 'AddCheckBoxColumn', will need to be used with a new overload of this Method that lets one specify a bool parameter, which needs to be set to 'false' to have CheckBox Columns whose value can be changed by the user. For situations where the clbXXX-Control is not used, do the same when using the 'AddCheckBoxColumn' Method.