That's a different problem Timotheus
I have define a button tester e.g.
btnNew = new ButtonTester("btnNew", tFrmGLBatch);
On the same dialog there are two buttons and so the error message AmbiguousNameException appears, pointing to a line like
btnNew = new ButtonTester("btnNew", tFrmGLBatch);
The error message tells me that there are two buttons
Now the standard solution of NUnit solves the problem:
btnNew = new ButtonTester("ucoBatches.pnlContent.pnlDetailGrid.pnlDetailButtons.tableLayoutPanel4.btnNew", tFrmGLBatch);
and also your solution solves it.
btnNew = new ButtonTester("ucoBatches.btnNew", tFrmGLBatch);
Your solution makes it possible to skip parts of the name. My solution makes it possible to find the correct name.