This release includes the work of two months, January and February. A lot has happened in the initial import of contacts, and also for bank accounts of contacts.
So here is the list of changes for this release:
Contact Module:
- Edit Contact: Maintain one or multiple bank accounts per contact.
- Edit contact: fix a bug with consent error, if only city or country code is changed.
- Edit contact: Allow manual adding of historic consent to contact. Add consent if there was no consent stored before.
- Find contact: fixed bug: typing not a number in contact key search will return hint to server log
- Find contact: the filter for Contact Type should be empty by default
- Import Contacts: can now import bank accounts (IBAN) as well.
- Import Contacts: display error if Country Code is wrong
- Import Contacts: there is now an option to delete all contacts, to reset the database in that regard.
- Import Contacts: import with consent
- Import Contacts: import with categories
- Import Contacts: fail if contact exists already with the same name and address or email address
- Import Contacts: support from Microsoft Excel (xlsx) and LibreOffice (ods) files. That is more stable than the existing CSV import.
- Import Contacts: complain if column captions cannot be interpreted
- A contact can now be deleted, if it does not have donations associated.
Accounting module:
- Fixed a bug with creating a new ledger.
Donation module:
- New option: Extended the template to print questionnaire for consent on the annual receipt.
- Report for Newsletter for people without annual receipt must consider consent.
- Donation Receipts: fixed bug: Error when trying to print the receipt
Sponsored children:
- Print a list of sponsored children.
General improvements:
- Pin an error message in the js client, and download long error messages as text file.
Technical improvements:
- Fix issues with too many database connections, closing connections when not needed and clearing the pool automatically.
- Drop unused code, for canceling database queries.
- Use SharpZipLib nuget package instead of ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
For more details about the issues solved in this release, visit the Milestone at Github for release 2021.02!
To try this new release of OpenPetra, or to use a hosting service or to install it on your own server, see the notes at!